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Forum Démocratique
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نجاة محمد علي
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اشترك في: الأربعاء مايو 04, 2005 1:38 am
مكان: باريس

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التجمع الوطنى الديمقراطى ينعى فقيد السودان الدكتور جون قرنق


تلقى التجمع الوطنى الديمقراطى ببالغ الحزن والاسى نبا وفاة الدكتور جون قرنق عضو هيئة قيادة التجمع رئيس الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان النائب الاول للرئيس السودانى اثر تحطم الطائرة المروحية التى كانت تقله فى طريق عودته من يوغندا الى جنوب السودان.

ان التجمع الوطنى الديمقراطى بكافة مؤسساته واجهزته وفروعه المنتشرة حول العالم اذ ينعى الدكتور جون قرنق الى الامة السودانية انما يسجل له مواقفه البطولية واسهاماته النضالية فقد كان فى مقدمة صفوف التجمع مدافعا عن قضية وطنه ومنافحا من اجل تحقيق تطلعات شعبه فى السلام والحرية والديمقراطية والتنمية.

ان التجمع الوطنى الديمقراطى فقد برحيل الدكتور قرنق ركنا اساسيا وركيزة من دعائمه فقد اسهم بقدر واسع فى ارساء دعائم العمل المشترك من خلال مظلة التجمع ،والتجمع اذ يفقده فى هذه المرحلة الدقيقة التى تمر بها البلاد ليؤكد حرصه على استمرار التحالف مع الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان كما يؤكد تمسكه بالاهداف التى تحققت من خلال عملية السلام ويعلن التزامه بمواصلة السعى لتحقيق الاهداف والمبادىء التى قام من اجلها وذلك وفاءا لفقيده الراحل.

ويتقدم التجمع الوطنى الديمقراطى بالتعازى لاسرة الفقيد ولقيادات الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان ولجماهير الشعب السودانى عامة سائلين الله ان يلهم الجميع الصبر والسلوان.

هذا وقد تقبلت قيادات التجمع التعازى فى فقيدها الكبير فى كل مراكز التجمع ومكاتبه المنتشرة فى دول المهجر.

حاتم السر على

امين الاعلام الناطق الرسمى

الاثنين 1/8/2005م

صورة العضو الرمزية
نجاة محمد علي
مشاركات: 2809
اشترك في: الأربعاء مايو 04, 2005 1:38 am
مكان: باريس

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البيان الصادر من الرئيس اليوغندي يوري موسيفيني حول تحطم طائرته التي كانت تفل الدكتور جون قرنق

Museveni Releases Statement on Garang's Death
Republic of Uganda (Kampala)
August 1, 2005
Posted to the web August 1, 2005

The following is a statement released by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni following the death of Sudanese 1st Vice President John Garang in a plane crash Saturday night.

It has now been confirmed that our dear brother, Dr. John Garang, 1st Vice President of Sudan and President of Southern Sudan, with others, died in a helicopter crash, South East of New Cush on the Sudan- Uganda border slightly beyond Kidepo National Park. Dr. Garang's party comprising of 5 other Sudanese and a number of Ugandans were flying to a place known as New Site, one of his Headquarters in Southern Sudan. He was returning from a two days consultation with me at Rwakitura.

He was aboard our Presidential helicopter M1-172 (VIP version) piloted by Colonel Nyakairu and Capt. Kiyimba. Major Kiggundu was the Flight Engineer. The helicopter was a recently overhauled executive helicopter that has served us well for the last 8 Years.

In fact, recently, some of the instruments were upgraded. It was very well equipped with the ability to show the pilots the altitude using both radio altimeter that shows you how far you are from the ground as well as a Barometric altimeter that shows you how high you are from sea level; a weather radar that shows you bad clouds ahead as well as mountain ranges up to 100kms away; Advanced Moving Map System (AMMS) that shows you where you are at any particular time and the terrain features such as mountains; a powerful flood light system to avoid hitting trees and other landing site obstacles; and audio warning in case you are approaching a mountain ahead. The helicopter was also wired against lightening strikes, according to the manufacturers. It could, therefore, fly both at night and during the day according to the pilots although it is always our policy not to fly in mountain areas at night or during low visibility weather conditions.

I have decided to create a panel of three (3) experts to look into this crash. The Minister of Transport will name the team. We have also approached a certain foreign government to rule out any form of sabotage or terrorism.

The death of our brother and long time Comrade-in-Arms is a tragic loss to the cause of patriotic Africa. It was a great shock and a source of anger to see that Dr. Garang, who has survived so many trials and tribulations, could lose his life when peace was beginning to come back to Sudan. Dr. Garang was one of the most visionary and incisive revolutionary thinkers and nationalists Africa has ever produced. However, the struggle for the dignity and progress of patriotic Africa is unstoppable. In the same way the death of Amilcar Cabral, Samora Machel, Agostinho Neto, Patrice Lumumba, Herbert Chitepo, Eduardo Mondlane, Martin Mwesiga, Valerian Rwaheru and others did not stop the defeat of reactionary and imperialist forces in Africa, the death of Dr. Garang will not derail the struggle of the Sudanese people for justice and dignity. The Uganda government supports the interim process in the Sudan.

I extend my condolences and those of the people of Uganda to Rebecca Garang and the children; to the SPLA; to the people of Sudan; and to President Bashir and the Interim Government of that country. I also extend similar condolences to the families of the other Sudanese and Ugandans who died in the crash. May their Souls rest in Eternal Peace.

The Government of Uganda has declared a three-day mourning period with effect from Tuesday 2nd August, 2005 with flags flying at half-mast in the whole country.

عبد الله بولا
مشاركات: 1025
اشترك في: الجمعة مايو 06, 2005 7:37 am
مكان: الحرم بت طلحة

مشاركة بواسطة عبد الله بولا »

أحر التعازي لربيكا وأبنائكما، ولرفيقات ورفاق درب نضالك المجيد الوفيات والأوفياء، ولنساء ورجال وأطفال شعبنا الذين علمتهم كيف يُنَمَىَ وينمو نبت الأمل في دروب غربة الوعي الضَرِسة الموحشة. فهرعوا إلى لقائك أفواجا. ومعذرة إن عزَّت الكلمات واستعصت، وتراجعت عن التجرؤ على وصف مقامك الجليل، وجَفَلت عن مشهد فجيعتنا الراعف.

ايمان شقاق
مشاركات: 1027
اشترك في: الأحد مايو 08, 2005 8:09 pm

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Weep my soul for thy hope has withered

By Stephen Amin
[email protected]

Weep ye daughter of Kush
Weep ye mother of Kalydosos
For thy son is slain
For thy hope rests on a pool of blood
It made my soul to burn in grief
My mind engulfed in disbelief
How could that be
For you to leave so soon
The world asked in bewilderment
Is it the son of de Mabior
The White Calf of Peace
Is it Garang
The same one
Who proclaimed hope for Sudan
The New Sudan
A New Sudan where all shall live in harmony
United with dignity and free will
But there are some who wish not for this Sudan
Who reject the Sudan of your dreams
A Sudan so different from what you advocated
Discrepant with what you initiated
A Sudan that will never be appreciated
Have not you said in Kauda
That no medicine is sweet
No balm soothes our tastes
That is why truth is prosecuted
Denied justice
For the truth is holy
Behold, the messenger of peace
Behold, the Vincent of the oppressed
You are not yet done
You abide in the millions who believe in thy vision
Thy vision that resembles the fragrance of the flowers
The breeze of the sea
The whispers of the brooks
They thought by picking a flower
The fragrance would be sent to oblivion
Nay they did not realize that
You are the fragrance of the struggle
You are the substance of the peaks
You are the soul of liberation
You are the symbol of the New Sudan
Your departed soul shall enliven the struggle
The struggle for Justice and equality
The struggle to make humane this land of millions
This land of many gods and people
Thy strong will for a New Sudan shall remain entrenched in history
Thy patience to restore dignity to many shall glitter forever
Thy virtue for the truth and justice shall guide the path of many
Thy sincerity for change shall be the conscience of the people
There is no truth in this land of mortals
The absolute truth abide in the world of tomorrow
Where each truth will freely mingle with others
There we shall discern the mockery and treachery
Of the enemies of truth
The ones who assassinated Luther
The ones who slaughtered Ghandi
The ones who crucified the Nazarene
The ones who poisoned Socrates
The ones who killed the source of our hope
As long as they continue doing these
They can not bend the spirit of the truth
For the truth is absolutely free and seeks no gratifications
For the truth gratify itself
But Weep not anymore daughter of Nyankiir
Weep not ye granddaughter of Pyre
For thy beloved has not died
Your beloved son is not gone
For tomorrow shall give birth
To another Garang
May your soul rest in peace

المصدر سودانايل

مشاركات: 23
اشترك في: الاثنين مايو 23, 2005 8:55 pm

مشاركة بواسطة ÃÔÑÝ ßãÇá »

التعازي الحارة لاسرته المكلومة ولكم ولكل السودان بفقد هذا الرمز الذي لم تكتمل فرحتنا به. حقا والله إنه حزن اكبر من قدرتنا علي الاحتمال.
عبد الماجد محمد عبد الماجد
مشاركات: 1655
اشترك في: الجمعة يونيو 10, 2005 7:28 am
مكان: LONDON

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آخر صورة مطبوعة على الورق وفي قلوب الملايين نحت أبقى الصور

المطرودة ملحوقة والصابرات روابح لو كان يجن قُمّاح
والبصيرةْ قُبِّال اليصر توَدِّيك للصاح
صورة العضو الرمزية
نجاة محمد علي
مشاركات: 2809
اشترك في: الأربعاء مايو 04, 2005 1:38 am
مكان: باريس

مشاركة بواسطة نجاة محمد علي »


وصلتنا الرسالة التالية من الصديقة أميرة سعيد، عضو منبر الحوار الديمقراطي:

I'm feeling extremely morose in regards to the death of John Garang, my whole body feels paralyzed. I feel such strong sadness for the poor, the people who go to sleep every night hungry and thirsty, the people who have no shelter, no place in society. John Garang was hope for all those who suffer - at first I thought it would all be over for those people, that these people who suffer everyday of their lives would have nobody to be their leader, to make sacrifices and decisions for them. But then I realized that John Garang's powerful ideals and absolutely compelling legacy will never perish, and will live on forever.

Amira Saeid
صورة العضو الرمزية
عالية عوض الكريم
مشاركات: 358
اشترك في: الاثنين مايو 09, 2005 5:50 pm

مشاركة بواسطة عالية عوض الكريم »

العزيزه نجاه

صباح الحزن

لقد اطفئوا بريق عينيه باكرا

اللهم اعطيني صبرا جميلا

صورة العضو الرمزية
نجاة محمد علي
مشاركات: 2809
اشترك في: الأربعاء مايو 04, 2005 1:38 am
مكان: باريس

مشاركة بواسطة نجاة محمد علي »


صلوات في نيو سايت


فتاة من رومبيك تبكي عند مرور نعشه بالمدينة
المصدر BBC NEWS
صورة العضو الرمزية
نجاة محمد علي
مشاركات: 2809
اشترك في: الأربعاء مايو 04, 2005 1:38 am
مكان: باريس

مشاركة بواسطة نجاة محمد علي »



أيها الطارق بابَ الدارِ ليلاً
جئتَ بالفجر وبالأمطار تُهمِي
فسلاماً لك في داركَ أعياها البَوارْ
وسلاماً لكَ إبناً وأبا
وسلاماً لك فكراً صائبا
وسلاماً لك سعياً دائبا
وسلاماً لك تُهدى للوطن
بارقَ الوعدِِ وسيفَ الانتصارْ
وسلاماً لك ترقى بالوطن
من مدارٍ ... لمدارٍ ... لمدارْ!

علي عبد القيوم
من ديوانه الخيل والحواجز

عمر التجاني
مشاركات: 228
اشترك في: الاثنين مايو 09, 2005 6:28 pm

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الصديقة نجاة
متى أفيق من الصدمة مازلت لا أصدق مات من جعلني اامل في أن بلدي بلد واحد لا بلدين
صورة العضو الرمزية
مصطفى آدم
مشاركات: 1691
اشترك في: الاثنين مايو 09, 2005 5:47 pm

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Africa Action Statement on John Garang’s Death at a time of War and Peace in Sudan
August 2, 2005
Tuesday August 2, 2005 (Washington DC) - Upon the death of Vice President John Garang de Mabior on Sunday, Africa Action offers its condolences to John Garang’s family and the people of Sudan, in particular the southern Sudanese people and the progressive pro-democracy forces throughout all regions of Africa’s largest country. Today Dr. Garang’s widow, Rebecca Garang was quoted as saying that, "It is the body who has gone. His spirit, his vision, his program, we're going to implement them. We want to keep his legacy alive, keeping the peace is how we can honor his memory." In the spirit of upholding Dr. Garang's vision, Africa Action urges the Sudanese government, all African governments and the international community more broadly to ensure the diligent implementation of the North-South Peace agreement and to stop the genocide in Darfur, Sudan.

Three weeks before his death, Dr. Garang became the Vice President of Sudan, as part of the peace agreement signed in January by representatives of the Khartoum government and Dr. Garang on behalf of the South. A new national government cabinet was to be announced next week. At the time of his death, Vice President Garang was working to establish an autonomous government for southern Sudan and promote the economic, social and political development of the people of southern Sudan. Dr. Garang was also seeking a way to stop the genocide in the Darfur region of western Sudan. On several recent visits to the U.S., Dr. Garang proposed that the 10,000 United Nations Peace Keeping Troops being sent to southern Sudan be moved instead to Darfur to stop the violence and protect the 2.5 million people who are now homeless in camps.

At this moment of Dr. Garang’s death, Sudan is a country simultaneously at war and peace. While the North-South peace accord signals the historic end to Africa’s longest running war, the genocide in Darfur continues to claim untold numbers of mainly civilian lives. The end of the North-South conflict is tantamount to the end of apartheid in Sudan whereby, since independence in 1956, northern Arab-led governments have discriminated against, oppressed and exploited southern Sudanese on the basis of racial and religious identity. The North-South accord, known as the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), represents a victory for southern Sudanese and the acknowledgment of their right to self-determination. John Garang, as the head of the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army and Movement, provided the crucial leadership that resulted in the agreement. Dr. Garang articulated a vision of a “New Sudan” where all Sudanese enjoyed equal rights regardless of their region, race, or religion, and where no minority government could impose its will on the majority of Sudanese. His vision has inspired millions of Sudanese and now serves as one possible template for Sudan’s future and an alternative to continued violence and destruction.

In the weeks, months and years ahead, all people committed to peace in Sudan can honor John Garang’s vision by increasing their efforts to support the southern Sudanese struggle to achieve meaningful development. This must include support for the hundreds of thousands of southerners from among the millions displaced who are now beginning to return home. We must increase our efforts to help stop the genocide in Darfur and support the strict implementation of the CPA, which will alter the composition of the central government in Sudan and may change its very nature and that of political life throughout the country. John Garang’s legacy is that of a soldier for human dignity and self-determination who finally brought peace to his home region and created the concrete prospects of peace for a nation that is in part still at war.

Africa Action commits to honor the words of Rebecca Garang today by working towards a U.S. policy that supports the continued implementation of the CPA and an end to the genocide in Darfur.
https://www.africaaction.org/newsroom/in ... ssues=1024

الرجاء الدخول على الموقع أعلاه للتوقيع على مبادرة افريكا آكشن لدعم دارفور
إيمان أحمد
مشاركات: 774
اشترك في: الاثنين مايو 09, 2005 6:27 pm

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Dear Nagat
!I am soo full of anger, and it doesn't seem to go away

وصرح قرنق ان من اولوياته فى المستقبل القريب:

1- اعادة اللاجئين السودانيين فى دول الجوار الى وطنهم
2- اعادة النازحين الى المناطق التى نزحوا منها بسبب الحرب والمجاعات
3- تصفية معسكرات النازحين التى لا تتوفر فيها ابسط الظروف الانسانية للحياة الكريمة.
4- تشييد البنيات الاساسية من طرق وجسور، ومحطات مياه وغيرها فور استلام المشرفين السياسيين على الولايات الحنوبية اعمالهم الاسبوع القادم.

ولكن شاءت ارادة السماء ان يرحل الزعيم قرنق قبل ان يشرع فى تنفيذ هذا البرنامج الطموح. لذا يتوجب على زعيم الحركة الشعبية الجديد أن يسعى لتنفيذ هذا البرنامج، وذلك لتحويل السلام من أمل، وشعار الى واقع ملموس. يحسه السودانيون فى حياتهم وحياة اطفالهم.

Dear Adil Osman
Thank you for quoting these particular words.
I believe it is the responsibility of us all to pursue these legitimate dreams, and turn them into reality.
أضف رد جديد