د.عبدالله علي إبراهيم : إحتفاء ودعوة

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صلاح شعيب
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اشترك في: الاثنين مايو 30, 2005 12:06 pm

د.عبدالله علي إبراهيم : إحتفاء ودعوة

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Abdallah Ali Ibrahim's real value is being shown from within the cultural difference he was, and is, able to creatively articulate. this at a time we are so eager to the renewness in insight.
To figure out how Ibrahim has contributed in leading critics towards a newly constructive side, just look at his fictions, theatrical works, the years he spent in academia and the last but not the lest the pioneering paper called " escapers' confederacy" that have energized the debate of Sudan' cultural identity ,and that it is the same paper that inspired the critics to dive into simultaneously Ibrahim' mind and Sudanese existence- this despite that such a paper is written in 1978.
But since then our scholar was intellectually working to establish a concept of the epistemic criticism which has become a phenomenon for Arab critics whose now ironic desires are to show the Arab readers their new insight of how epistimically criticism should be surviving in Arab cultural environment.
But - in fact- the Arab critics are wrong in the side of ignoring these past Sudanese efforts being represented in that Ibrahim' pioneerity in this field.
In addition, I laugh when I see so many Sudanese critics try to ignore Ibrahim' critical efforts when it comes to the history of Constructionlism in Sudan. Moreover, I be anger when those folk regard Arabic critics to the extent that you feel they don't read " The escapers' confederacy, which leaned on constructionlism backgrounds.
At any rate, we can not blame those Arabs for forgetting Sudanese literature, and in the mean time we ignore our writers and scholars who functioned constructalism before Salah Fadul, Abdallah Elghazami, Mohammed Baradah or Boul shouwuol.and how about Mowia Noor and D.Ahmed Eltieb or Abdagadoos Elkhatim.
Frankly, Ibrahim's writings, whether are journalistic or academic ones, are but enhancing to accumulation in this field of thinking. The other thing is that such writings help writers and critics find, among them, opportunities to differ with and to benefit the readers to know some features of modern Sudanese dialogue, that are required for the purposes of achieving the civil society we dream of.
To the author, differing or disagreeing with Ibrahim's comprehensive efforts is a greater-in-substance- deal. since he is having all resources of good writing , I mean the innovative style, the long experience, the variety of social contribution, the confidant courage to lay out his visions and the like, then those constructive critics - who are ready to clash with the outlook by which Ibrahim behaves in the political and cultural scene - would show us the other face of the coin, and accordingly we respect our different ideas.
Also,since Ibrahim has had a willingness to remake up his reading of the whole Sudanese situation, then he would be a reason of enjoying in reading.
Thus, I have been getting Ibrahim's writings, finding an advantage from his very distinguished style and looking in admiration for his sharp memory boosted by huge references, and seeing an area for difference with what he has posed of perspective. Shouldn't writing be as such a controversial diversify? isn't fair to say that those writers are " chances of bitter-sweet"
This means that you have to test their production in such a concept no matter they fit your brain or not. In fact, had we had publications houses such as the progressed world or even the regional one, had , we would have make Abdallah Ali Ibrahim a universal figure in thought. But " O of these " buts and ifs." ?.Do you see me saying that Ibrahim's legacy is immune from being a room for criticism? No, he is not.

To be sure, this writing neither intend to reduce the very importance of cross-beaming Ibrahim's assumptions or viewpoints of Sudanese issues nor try to shine his star more than what it is shining and very regarded among intellectuals.But it is -the writing -rather a call to widely open the forum for the scholar Abdallah Ali Ibrahim and inviting the contributing writers to share some critical observations about Ibrahim's highly thrilling legacy that has given us the better-sweet writing and the counterwriting .
could we see Abdallah Ali Ibrahim here?
Hence, I have a dream.
صورة العضو الرمزية
عبد الخالق السر
مشاركات: 202
اشترك في: الثلاثاء مايو 10, 2005 6:39 pm

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الاخ صلاح شعيب
شكرا على هذا السرد الضافي والمنصف في حق هذا الرقم الثقافي الكبير. ولا نملك سوى أن نشاركك الحلم بأن نجد دكتور عبد الله بيننا في هذا الموقع ذات يوم قريب.
عبد الخالق
صلاح شعيب
مشاركات: 121
اشترك في: الاثنين مايو 30, 2005 12:06 pm

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Thanks dear Taj alsir for your concern of Abdallah Ali Ibrahim. And thanks,too, for the words that have shared me the hope of having Ibrahim in this forum, particularly that we have witnessed how some Sudanese Internet forums are now making writing as a type of entertainment, personalization and a kind of meaningless racist comments.
In fact, our need to Ibrahim' mind here is to culturally interrogate him and to gain a momentum from his existence among us. Otherwise, we like to have his affiliation with (Sudan-forall) as a well equipped mind to beneficially deliberate arguments.
Being as a scholar - or the cultural father of Sudanes post- modernity that participate with ( Ingaz), Ibrahim has come to be under personal attacks, and not critical ones.Moreover, we mixed that political stand with his legacy. Therefore having him in this very calm arena would help us bring him into objectively intellectual dialogue that sustain our porpuse understand our national figures- and to let them understand our point of view.
And I think we need such a respectful dialogue so long as the aim of this website is to build in connecting generations.
having asserted in the main article that I do not try to make Ibrahim's star shining, I believe that he could be able to answer his critics, or his fans.But, if you see Taj alsir,
we can get an advantage - just from having Ibrahim's pen here.
thanks again Taj
صورة العضو الرمزية
نجاة محمد علي
مشاركات: 2809
اشترك في: الأربعاء مايو 04, 2005 1:38 am
مكان: باريس

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الأستاذ صلاح شعيب
عاطر التحايا

الدكتور عبد الله علي إبراهيم عضو بهذا المنبر منذ تأسيسه. وقد ظلت فكرة إجراء حوار معه ضمن المشاريع التي نأمل أن ننجزها. وبالطبع أن صيغة الجمع هنا لا تعود لإدارة الموقع وحسب، وإنما لكل أعضائه. وطالما أنك ابتدرت الحديث على صفحات المنبر عن ضرورة إقامة هذا الحوار، فإنه سيسعدنا أن تشرع في التنسيق لإتمامه، وأتمنى أن يسهم كل منا في إثرائه.

ولك مني خالص الود والتقدير.

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