الشيخ محمد الشيخ “Discovery of the Life-Organizing Principl

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حسن موسى
مشاركات: 3621
اشترك في: الجمعة مايو 06, 2005 5:29 pm

الشيخ محمد الشيخ “Discovery of the Life-Organizing Principl

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كتاب الشيخ محمد الشيخ
“Discovery of the Life-Organizing Principle”

New Book Bridges Gap Between Physics, Biology, Human Sciences
E. M. Elsheik explains biotic evolution, development through grand quantum biological revolution.

Today’s society is endangered by selfishness and violence,” Elsheik says. “Discovery of the Life-Organizing Principle’ contributes to clarifying the essence of this problem and how to transcend it.

Khartoum, Sudan (PRWEB) August 27, 2014
After decades of research, author and scholar E. M. Elsheik presents his answers to the question, “What is man?” in his philosophical new book, “Discovery of the Life-Organizing Principle: In Search of the Fundamental Laws of Life” (published by iUniverse).
Since 1970, Elsheik has been searching – almost obsessively, he admits – to transform the abstract, philosophical ideas about the concept of life into a theory or hypothesis of quantum information fractal field biology.
After more than four decades of intense research, Elsheik has identified what he calls a "grand quantum biological revolution", a principle that seeks to unify physics and biology and considers why living systems self-organize, reproduce and evolve.
“Discovery of the Life-Organizing Principle” outlines this unified theory of life that seeks to explain biotic evolution and development. Elsheik’s principle unifies physics and biology by extending the concept of matter, and reconciles biology with human sciences by extending Darwinism.
“Today’s society is endangered by selfishness and violence,” Elsheik says. “‘Discovery of the Life-Organizing Principle’ contributes to clarifying the essence of this problem and how to transcend it.”

“Discovery of the Life-Organizing Principle”
By E. M. Elsheik
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 248 pages | ISBN 9781491727195
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 248 pages | ISBN 9781491727171
E-Book | ISBN 9781491727188
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author
E. M. Elsheik has a master’s degree in applied mathematics from University of Khartoum, Sudan. He was the head of the math department at Altahadi University, Serit, Libya for more than 10 years and served as executive secretary for Sudan National Academy of Science for two years. He was a contributor at the Third International Congress of Mathematical Biology held in Chile in 1988 and at San Diego’s 2004 Expanding Human Consciousness Conference. More information is available at https://www.lifeprinciple.com.

iUniverse, an Author Solutions, LLC, self-publishing imprint, is the leading book marketing, editorial services, and supported self-publishing provider. iUniverse has a strategic alliance with Indigo Books & Music, Inc. in Canada, and titles accepted into the iUniverse Rising Star program are featured in a special collection on BarnesandNoble.com. iUniverse recognizes excellence in book publishing through the Star, Reader’s Choice, Rising Star and Editor’s Choice designations—self-publishing’s only such awards program. Headquartered in Bloomington, Indiana, iUniverse also operates offices in Indianapolis. For more information or to publish a book, please visit iuniverse.com or call 1-800-AUTHORS. For the latest, follow @iuniversebooks on Twitter
Ahmed Sid Ahmed
مشاركات: 900
اشترك في: الثلاثاء مايو 10, 2005 3:49 pm

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كتب/أعلن حسن موسى:

" كتاب الشيخ محمد الشيخ
“Discovery of the Life-Organizing Principle”

تشكر يا حسن ولو " كتاب الشيخ " فى رفّك، كفّك، تلقانى معاك فى صفّك**.
وفى صف المهنئين للشيخ محمد الشيخ. له التحية.

أتمنى أن نحصل على الكتاب سريعا وأن نجد ما يعيننا على الفهم ويزيل البلم.!

التعبير مقتبس - بتصرف- من كلمات محجوب شريف.
محمد عثمان أبو الريش
مشاركات: 1026
اشترك في: الجمعة مايو 13, 2005 1:36 pm

مشاركة بواسطة محمد عثمان أبو الريش »

شكرا يا حسن ومبروك للشيخ نشر الكتب هـذه.
والملاحظ ان اعمال الشيخ ليست منشورة (حسب علمى) في أي دوريـة علمية معترف بها.. فما هو
السبب يا ترى؟
رغم الحديث عن العلمية في وحدة الفيزياء والبيولوجيا، إلا انى لم أرى أي دليل على نقطة
التحول من مادة فيزيائية الى مادة بيولوجية.. أكرر نقطـة التحول.
فهل تكرم الشيخ، وهو عضو معنا هنا، بإيراد المعادلة التي اكتشفها، والتي توضح العلاقة الرياضية
بين الفيزياء والبيولوجيا؟
طلبى هو معادلة محددة توضح التراسفورميشن من مادة فيزيائية الى بيولوجية.. مثل معادلة أينشتاين
التى تحدد العلاقة بين المادة والطاقـة بصورة واضحة وبسيطـة.. E = mc2
هذه هي المعادلة التي ستكون مفتاح فهم بقية تفاصيل نظريتـه.

وشكرا لكما..
Freedom for us and for all others
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